Worship at St. Luke Lutheran Church - Celebrating the Life of Christ
At St. Luke Lutheran Church, our worship is a sacred and meaningful experience that connects us with the life of Christ and the world around us. Our worship services follow an ancient pattern rooted in tradition, yet relevant to the complexities of our modern world.
Join us for our 10:30am worship service, available both on-site and online via Zoom. This service embraces the timeless structure of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending, which holds deep significance for our faith community.
Gathering: We come together as a community, setting aside the distractions of daily life, to focus our hearts and minds on worship. Through music, prayers, and shared greetings, we create a space of unity, welcoming all who seek to encounter the divine.
Word: God's Word holds transformative power, and we engage with it through readings from the Bible and a sermon that offers insights and inspiration for our daily lives. The Word of God illuminates our path, providing guidance, comfort, and challenge as we navigate the complexities of our faith journey.

Meal: Central to our worship is the celebration of Holy Communion. We gather around the table to partake in the sacred meal, sharing in the body and blood of Christ. This act of communion unites us with Christ and with one another, reminding us of our interconnectedness and the boundless love of God.
Sending: As our worship draws to a close, we are sent forth into the world as ambassadors of God's love and grace. Through a final blessing and commissioning, we are empowered to carry the message of Christ's love, compassion, and justice into our daily lives and interactions.
Our worship is intricately connected to the rhythms of the earth and the seasons of the church. From Easter to Christmas to Pentecost, each season carries its own unique themes, allowing us to explore different dimensions of our faith. As we journey through these seasons, we are reminded of the cycles of life, the light that shines in darkness, and the ever-present love of our Creator.
Whether you join us in person or virtually, we invite you to experience the rich and transformative worship at St. Luke Lutheran Church. Together, we deepen our connection with Christ, grow in faith, and find inspiration to live out our calling in a complex and beautiful world.
Communion - What We Believe
At St. Luke, Holy Communion is celebrated weekly, and everyone, without exception, is invited to receive the bread and wine. It is one of the few places in our world where nobody is turned away, and where everyone who comes with hands outstretched receives the same amount. Our celebration of Holy Communion is shaped by our conviction that God’s abundant love is an unconditional gift and extends to all.

Our table is Christ's table. It is a table of love and welcome. It is a table of fellowship with the poor; it is a table of communion with the earth. So, come those of you have great faith and those of you who wish you had more. Come those of you who have tried to follow Jesus and those of you who have failed. Come those of you who depend on this meal for your life and those of you for whom it is a strange thing. These are the gifts of God for the people of God.
In keeping with our Lutheran tradition, we believe Christ is truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine. God sees our hunger for more than bread and fills us with abundant life. When we receive Holy Communion—when we eat the bread and drink the wine—we are nourished with Christ’s presence, which strengthens us in love and service to our neighbor.
Our bread is gluten-free, and our wine is non-alcoholic.
St. Luke Lutheran welcomes children to the table of Holy Communion. We believe there is no predetermined age when children understand what it means to participate in Holy Communion. When young children ask to participate, the Holy Spirit is at work drawing them into the body of Christ.

Baptism initiates us into a lifelong relationship with a God who loves us unconditionally. We are washed in the promise that nothing can ever separate us from God, and sealed with the power of the Spirit.
Lutheran Christians practice infant baptism. We remember that God does not require a mature or intelligent faith before claiming us. God opens wide the door and pours out faith upon us regardless of how qualified or prepared we are. Just as newborn children are always loved and included in the family, God welcomes us from the start.
In the Bible, God uses water to create, to heal, to rescue those who are in trouble, to cleanse, to satisfy those who are thirsty for compassion and community. No matter how broken or disappointing our life may be, baptism assures us that God will never abandon us. Even when we die, God does not let go. We are God’s children forever.
Scheduling a Baptism at St. Luke Lutheran Church
At St Luke, baptisms occur in the midst of our regular worship services. Families planning a baptism are asked to contact the Pastor Matt to schedule a conversation and a Sunday for the baptism.

Music is a vital part of our ministry and our worship experience at St. Luke Lutheran Church. Music, especially singing, has always been the link and a common connection as the people of God. The gathered congregation not only sings in one voice, but its song is added to the song of the church throughout the world and throughout the ages. In Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “It is the voice of the church that is heard in singing together. It is not I who sing, but the church. However, as a member of the church, I may share in its song.” And still today, as the church, we continue our song.
Choir Rehearsals
10:00 A.M Sundays
7:00-8:30 P.M. Wednesdays
The adult choir meets Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, and Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, except during summer recess.
In addition to preparing a weekly anthem, the choir is actively involved in leading the liturgy at St. Luke. There are several other opportunities to be involved on an individual basis in the music ministry at St. Luke.
If you are interested in becoming involved in any way, don't hesitate to get in touch with our music director, Jonathan DeLoach.